Coaching for Couples

Communicate Connect Find common ground

Couple holding hands

Couples coaching is similar to individual coaching but serves two people at a time. Most often, the couple is in a romantic partnership, but 1:2 coaching also works for housemates and non-partnered coparents working towards a similar goal.

The focus is usually a combination of:

  • education about what ADHD looks like in relationships (not to blame or shame, but to truly understand one another)

  • how to communicate more effectively (and respectfully)

  • how to get on the same page with parenting (figure out where your values align + find common ground, even if your parenting styles differ)

  • demolish the parent-child dynamic (poke holes in the stories you’ve told yourselves about the responsible vs. irresponsible partner or the selfless vs. selfish partner)

  • share the load by using the Fair Play system to reassess each partner’s household responsibilities (be intentional about dividing + conquering all the tasks that keep your home and family running smoothly)

  • find the joy in the journey (even when it’s hard)

Wondering if you’d be a good fit?

Most of the couples I see fall into a few different categories.

  1. The ADHD-Is-Ruining-Our-Relationship Couple: Either you or your partner has suspected-or-diagnosed ADHD (or both of you and/or your children) and it’s time to address its impact. One partner is frustrated by having their concerns dismissed or ignored, and often feels lonely and unseen in the relationship. The other partner feels weighed down by constant requests (aka nagging) and perceived criticism, like they’re never doing enough and will never make their partner happy. They may bicker a lot or they may choose to ignore/avoid conflict; either way, this couple needs help understanding how ADHD impacts their relationship and how to communicate with one another in a way that they each feel heard and respected.

  2. The I-Do-Everything-You-Don’t-Do-Enough Couple: This couple has been together for a while and their patterns are deeply ingrained. Their relationship is at a standstill and they need help moving forward. One person is the default house manager; they’re the partner that makes sure there’s dinner on the table and the parent who handles all of the kid-related tasks. They get sh*t done, and they’re tired of doing it alone. They want to share the load and be teammates, but it’s not working and their resentment is bubbling. The other partner doesn’t have the same priorities and may feel like they lack the skills to do everything their partner does. They may be very focused on work (especially if they’re the higher, or only, wage earner) and highly value providing for their family. They contribute plenty - and while they acknowledge that their partner does more than their fair share, they don’t feel the need to complicate things and make changes right now. This couple needs to reassess each partner’s responsibilities, find some common ground, and come up with a system that works for all family members.

  3. The We’re-New-at-This-and-Don’t-Want-To-F-It-Up Couple: This couple is newly dating, just moved in with each other, or maybe they’ve already put a ring on it - either way, they’re still in the honeymoon phase. They get along with each other, don’t have much conflict, and life is good for the most part. But one or both of them are starting to feel “the creep”… that sinking feeling that something that feels small right now could turn into something big. That your partner’s penchant for getting excited and interrupting you, or zoning out at their phone while you’re trying to have a conversation, or their tendency to leave a pile of clothes next to the hamper - that those somewhat off-putting-but-still-endearing qualities might not be cute one day. They want to be proactive and learn each other’s ins and outs now…before it’s a problem.

Ultimately, my goal is to help couples

(in safe, loving, and committed relationships)

find their way back to each other.


Maintaining a partnership,

running a household,

and raising children

is not for the faint of heart -

especially when ADHD is at play.


Most of us could use tangible support and a few high-fives along the way.


Reach out if you’re ready to jump in!